A major American firm managed a large hybrid cloud environment to serve their business and operational needs. The environment was comprised of a diverse set of operating systems and platforms, both on-premises and in the cloud, virtual and physical servers,…
Alebra’s Channel Stream appliance coupled with our Parallel Data Mover (PDM) product provide a platform that replaces the role of the OSA adapter for file movement, allowing the OSA to process only interactive traffic. Traditional FTP moves data via the…
Recently, a major financial institution in America began developing a suite of applications on AIXwhose purpose is to perform analytics on data normally residing on IBM Z. They planned on capturingdata from z/OS applications and transmitting it to an AIX…
With today’s cloud migration activity and the need to analyze data on diverse platforms that didn’t originate the data, it’s not surprising that businesses are looking for better approaches to ensure that their critical data is secure when moving from…
New IBM configurations designed for flexibility, sustainability and security within the data center We are excited to collaborate with IBM as the company today unveils its new IBM z16 and LinuxONE 4 single frame and rack mount models available globally…
The transaction logger is a feature of Parallel Data Mover (PDM) on Linux, Unix, and Windows (LUW) systems, delivered as part of the standard PDM installation package. The transaction logger logs a record of each completed PDM transaction initiated on…
Recently, a major bank in North America began developing a new application which would extract data from a SQL database running on Linux, perform some transformations and analysis on the data, and then upload the data to IBM Z datasets…
Read the interview by Tom Lehn, Alebra Technologies' CEO.
BIG DATA IS EVERWHERE It is no surprise that the amount of data being stored is increasing. Enterprises are collecting more and more information as well as storing the collected data for longer periods of time. In large Enterprises, the…
New Brighton, MN—Alebra Technologies Inc., (www.alebra.com) the leader in managed high-speed cross platform data movement and remote data access, today announced the availability of Parallel Data Mover (PDM) Release 6, effective immediately. “As data continues to grow exponentially, companies need…
Recent Posts
- Alebra Moves Data Across the Hybrid Enterprise
- Alebra ChannelStream – Freeing Data Movement Traffic From the OSA Interface
- American Financial Institution Uses Parallel Data Mover to Connect IBM Z Data to AIX Applications
- PDM Enterprise Dynamic Node Configuration
- Alebra Technologies Brings Parallel Data Mover (PDM) to New z16 and LinuxONE 4 Single Frame and Rack Mount Models